Shirley Temple

Numbers: 187 200 226 258 281 282 301-L 323 324 337-L 341 360 371 372 407 408 429 430 440-C 466 471 472 473 529 530 559 560 575 576 610 611 629 630 660 713 (342 Cards)





























Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 187










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 200










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 226










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Tentative Reconstruction of Mäppchen 258









Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 281










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 282










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 301 (Large Format)






Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 323










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 324










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 337 (Large Format)






Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Tentative Reconstruction of Mäppchen 341










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Tentative Reconstruction of Mäppchen 360










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 371










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 372










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Tentative Reconstruction of Mäppchen 407










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Partial Reconstruction of Mäppchen 408







Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Tentative Reconstruction of Mäppchen 429









[With Michael Whalen]

See 576
Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Tentative Reconstruction of Mäppchen 430










[With George Murphy]
Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 440










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 466










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Tentative Reconstruction of Mäppchen 471










[With George Murphy]
Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Tentative Reconstruction of Mäppchen 472





[With June Lang]



Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 473










[With Victor McLaglen]
Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 529










See 630
Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 530










[In Heidi]
Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 559










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 560








[With Bill Robinson]

Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 575










[With George Murphy]
Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Partial Reconstruction of Mäppchen 576









See 429
Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Tentative Reconstruction of Mäppchen 610










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 611







[With Bill Robinson]

[With Michael Whalen]


With Victor McLaglen
Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Tentative Reconstruction of Mäppchen 629










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Partial Reconstruction of Mäppchen 630









See 529
Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 660










Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Confirmed Reconstruction of Mäppchen 713








[in Wee Willie Winkie]

[With Guy Kibbee]

[With Jean Hersholt]
Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper

Other Possible Mäppchenbilder
May include cards in other Ross formats as well as cards not issued by Ross itself but by other firms or individuals













[With Victor McLaglen]

Scans provided by Werner Mohr and Hans Schnepper