Reutlinger Series on SIP Postcards - Alphabetic Sort
Abott, Bessie |
![](SIP.935-1.jpg) Bessie Abbot 935 |
![](SIP.940-1.jpg) Bessie Ablot 940 |
![](SIP.1297-7.jpg) [Maud Amy; Alix; Cécile Sorel; Bessie Abott] 1297 |
![](SIP.1323-1.jpg) Bessie Abbot 1323 |
![](SIP.1350-1.jpg) Bessie Abott 1350 |
![](SIP.1995-1.jpg) Abbott 1995 |
![](SIP.2128-1.jpg) B. Abott 2128 |
Aillon, d' |
![](SIP.846-21.jpg) d'Aillon (number illegible) 846/6? |
![](SIP.854-4.jpg) d'Aillan 854/4 |
Albright |
![](SIP.136-3.jpg) Albright 136/3 |
Arifiéva |
![](SIP.855-20.jpg) Arifiéva 855/20 |
Arlington |
![](SIP.1719-9.jpg) Un Souvenir de (Reutlinger & Walery Photos) [Bianca de Toledo; Prioglio Marie Marville; Magnus Arlington; A. Lefèvre Devillers; Letty Linn] 1719 |
Armand |
![](SIP.856-10.jpg) Ugalde et Armand 856/10 |
Arnoud |
![](SIP.855-21.jpg) Arnoud 855 |
Armand 'Ary |
![](SIP.101-4.jpg) [Armand 'Ary] 101/4 |
![](SIP.1014-1.jpg) Armand 'Ary 1014 |
Auber, Marie |
![](SIP.189-2.jpg) Marie Auber 189/2 |
![](SIP.9997-9.jpg) [Renée Desprez; Emilienne d'Alençon Marie Auber; Lucy Gérard] |
Avigny, Olympia d' |
![](SIP.1428-3.jpg) d'Avigny 1428 |
Bacha |
![](SIP.137-16.jpg) Bacha 137/16 |
Badet, Régina |
![](SIP.55-9.jpg) Regina Badet Photo Oricelly 55/9 |
Baker, Emma |
![](SIP.6-6.jpg) [Florie Judge et Emma Baker] 6/6 |
Balthy, Louise |
![](SIP.169-8.jpg) Louise Balthy 169/8 |
Baretto, Worms |
![](SIP.43-8.jpg) Worms Baretto Photo Camus 43/8 |
Barkis, Nina |
![](SIP.1092-1.jpg) Nina Barkis 1092 |
![](SIP.1313-14.jpg) [Nina Barkis; Maggie van Parys; Lutèce - Sabourot] 1313 |
Baron |
![](SIP.88-18.jpg) Baron 88/18 |
![](SIP.1046-1.jpg) Baron 1046 |
Barsange |
![](SIP.59-1.jpg) Barsange 59/1 |
![](SIP.1163-2.jpg) Barsange 1163 |
Barthe |
![](SIP.1161-1.jpg) Barthe 1161 |
![](SIP.1335-12.jpg) [Jeanne Delvair; Marguerite Brésil; Barthe; Suzanne Derval; Jane Boïe] 1335 |
Bartholdi, Frédéric Auguste |
![](SIP.2-14.jpg) Bartholdi 2/14 |
Baye, Paulette |
![](SIP.1960-1.jpg) Baye 1960 |
Beauvais |
![](SIP.168-10.jpg) Beauvais 168/10 |
Becker |
![](SIP.1960-2.jpg) Becker 1960 |
![](SIP.1985-1.jpg) Becker 1985 |
Beeth, Lola |
![](SIP.89-5.jpg) L. Beeth 89/5 |
Behr, Suzanne de |
![](SIP.987-10.jpg) Suzanne de Behr 987 |
Bella, Maria la |
![](SIP.827-9.jpg) Maria la Bella 827/9 |
Benjamin-Constant, Jean-Joseph |
![](SIP.2-19.jpg) Benjamin Constant 2/19 |
Berger, Malcy |
![](SIP.19-21.jpg) Malcy Berger 19/21 |
Berthelot, Marcellin |
![](SIP.2-7.jpg) Berthelot 2/7 |
Berthyl |
![](SIP.18-18.jpg) Berthyl 18/18 |
Bertiny |
![](SIP.3-9.jpg) Bertiny, Jeanne 3/9 |
Béryl, Odette de |
![](SIP.97-11.jpg) Béryl 97/11 |
![](SIP.848-18.jpg) Odette de Béryl 848/18 |
Blanche-Marie |
![](SIP.9998-14.jpg) [Blanche-Marie] 14 |
Blum |
![](SIP.114-3.jpg) Blum 114/3 |
Bonnet |
![](SIP.42-2.jpg) Bonnet 42/2 |
Bonneton, Alice |
![](SIP.1177-1.jpg) Alice Bonneton 1177 |
Borga |
![](SIP.136-2.jpg) Borga 136/2 |
Borgo, Agnes |
![](SIP.837-9.jpg) Borgo 837/9 |
Boro, Edy |
![](SIP.43-5.jpg) Edy Boro 43/5 |
Boyer, M. |
![](SIP.1352-0.jpg) M. Boyer 1352 |
Brasseur, Albert |
![](SIP.88-8.jpg) Brasseur 88/8 |
![](SIP.88-15.jpg) Brasseur 88/15 |
Brille, Lucie |
![](SIP.1308-2.jpg) L. Brille 1308 |
Brower, Aline |
![](SIP.847-19.jpg) Brower 847/19 |
Bruzeau |
![](SIP.1339-3.jpg) Bruzeau 1339 |
Bryett, Maud |
![](SIP.79-12.jpg) Bryett 79/12 |
Buffon, de |
![](SIP.87-16.jpg) de Buffon 87/16 |
Cadet, Coquelin |
![](SIP.88-9.jpg) Coquelin Cadet 88/9 |
Cantor |
![](SIP.1719-4.jpg) Rendez-vous Jeudi à (Reutlinger & Walery Photos) [Kara; Saharet Cantor; Claude Ritter Mata Hari; Carolina 'La Belle' Otero] 1719 |
Cassiny |
![](SIP.2150-2.jpg) Cassiny 2150 |
Castera |
![](SIP.90-3.jpg) Castera 90/3 |
Castillos, de |
![](SIP.1355-3.jpg) de Castillos 1355 |
![](SIP.1899-1.jpg) de Castillos 1899 |
Caswell, Maud |
![](SIP.855-2.jpg) Caskvell 855/2 |
![](SIP.856-19.jpg) Caswell 856/19 |
Cavaignac, Jacques Marie Eugène Godefroy |
![](SIP.2-3.jpg) Cavaignac 2/3 |
Chantenay, Berthe |
![](SIP.59-16.jpg) Chantenay 59/16 |
Chanzy, de |
![](SIP.1428-4.jpg) de Chanzy 1428 |
![](SIP.1428-5.jpg) de Chanzy 1428 |
Chavannes, Pierre Puvis de |
![](SIP.2-20.jpg) Puvis de Chavannes 2/20 |
Cheirel, Jeanne |
![](SIP.36-20.jpg) Cheirel 36/20 |
![](SIP.9999-12.jpg) [Jeanne Cheirel] Theatre du Palais-Royal 12 |
Chenal, Marthe |
![](SIP.1452-1.jpg) Chenal 1452 |
![](SIP.1605-1.jpg) Chenal 1605 |
Cherbuliez, Charles Victor |
![](SIP.2-18.jpg) Victor Cherbuliez 2/18 |
Choinska, Isabelle |
![](SIP.934-4.jpg) Choinska 934 |
Ciriac, Andrée |
![](SIP.944-2.jpg) Ciriac 944/ |
Claretie, Jules Arsène Arnaud |
![](SIP.2-5.jpg) Jules Claretie 2/5 |
Coelho |
![](SIP.1089-1.jpg) Coelho 1089 |
![](SIP.1091-2.jpg) Coelho 1091 |
Compton, Lily et Emily |
![](SIP.6-4.jpg) [Emily and Lily Compton] 6/4 |
Corbé |
![](SIP.1429-3.jpg) Corbé 1429 |
![](SIP.1468-2.jpg) Corbé 1468 |
Courtès |
![](SIP.88-4.jpg) Courtès 88/4 |
Crozet |
![](SIP.1171-12.jpg) Decembre Crozet 1171 |
Damiroff, Magdeleine |
![](SIP.1310-2.jpg) Damiroff 1310 |
Dantèze |
![](SIP.1236-1.jpg) Dautèze 1236 |
![](SIP.1257-3.jpg) Dantèze 1257 |
Darcy |
![](SIP.30-11.jpg) Darcy 30/11 |
Darfeuille, Marcelle |
![](SIP.935-3.jpg) Darfeuille 935 |
Dargelle |
![](SIP.2a-3.jpg) Dargelle 2/3 |
Dargenton |
![](SIP.1510-3.jpg) Dargenton 1510 |
Darling, Alice |
![](SIP.9997-21.jpg) [Cléo de Mérode; Anna Held Natalina Cavalieri Cléo de Mérode; Natalina Cavalieri Charlotte-Louise Sidley Cléo de Mérode Alice Darling] |
![](SIP.9997-23.jpg) [Suzanne Avril; Verly Jane Thomassin; Faurens; Ethel Mathews; Pepita Aragon Natalina Cavalieri Dora Parnès Alice Darling] |
Darthaix, Yvonne |
![](SIP.1466-1.jpg) Darthaix 1466 |
![](SIP.1466-2.jpg) Darthaix 1466 |
Darthey |
![](SIP.938-4.jpg) Darthey 938/ |
![](SIP.977-6.jpg) Darthey 977/ |
Darthigny, Yvonne |
![](SIP.846-10.jpg) Y. Darthigny 846/10 |
![](SIP.1058-5.jpg) Yvonne Darthigny 1058 |
Daspremont |
![](SIP.1045-6.jpg) Daspremont 1045 |
Dastrez |
![](SIP.88-1.jpg) Dastrez 88/1 |
Davennes, Renée |
![](SIP.944-3.jpg) Renée Davennes 944 |
Dean, Bessie |
![](SIP.6-1.jpg) [Bessie Dean et Florie Knott] 6/1 |
![](SIP.18-6.jpg) Beisie Dean 18/6 |
Dearly, Max |
![](SIP.2005-4.jpg) Lavallière & Dearly 2005 |
Debeau |
![](SIP.35-16.jpg) Debeau 35/16 |
Decool |
![](SIP.847-16.jpg) Decool 847/16 |
![](SIP.855-16.jpg) Decool 855/16 |
Decori, Louis |
![](SIP.88-12.jpg) Decori 88/12 |
Delafarre |
![](SIP.846-6.jpg) Delafarre 846/6 |
Delagarde |
![](SIP.1510-4.jpg) Delagarde 1510 |
Delille |
![](SIP.55-15.jpg) Delille (Photo Oricelly) 55/15 |
Delinières |
![](SIP.92-19.jpg) [Delinières] 92/19 |
![](SIP.92-20.jpg) [Delinières] 92/20 |
Delysia |
![](SIP.1719-3.jpg) Rendez-vous Mercredi à (Reutlinger & Walery Photos) [Gabrielle Robinne; Musz Henriette; Delysia Magnus; de Morlaix Ketty Newsomme; Devillers] 1719 |
Demay, Suzanne |
![](SIP.35-10.jpg) Suzanne Demay 35/10 |
Deroche |
![](SIP.19-7.jpg) Deroche 19/7 |
Derrichson, Marie |
![](SIP.876-8.jpg) Marie Derrichson (Schloss, N.Y.) 876/8 |
Desbly |
![](SIP.1553-4.jpg) Desbly 1553 |
Deschamps |
![](SIP.61-5.jpg) Deschamps 61/5 |
![](SIP.135-11.jpg) Deschamps 135/11 |
Detaille, Jean-Baptiste Édouard |
![](SIP.2-16.jpg) Detaille 2/16 |
Deval, Marguerite |
![](SIP.43-6.jpg) Deval (Photo Camus) 43/6 |
Dickson, Henriette |
![](SIP.36-5.jpg) Dickson 36/5 |
![](SIP.1068-2.jpg) Dickson 1068 |
Dolcy |
![](SIP.50-17.jpg) Dolcy 50/17 |
Donnay, Charles Maurice |
![](SIP.2-2.jpg) M. Donnay 2/2 |
Dorianne |
![](SIP.24-5.jpg) Dorianne (Photo Walery) 24/5 |
Douvrez, Lili |
![](SIP.61-18.jpg) Douvrez 61/18 |
![](SIP.9997-10.jpg) [Renée Piron; Liane de Vriès Anna Tariol-Baugé Lili Douvrez; Bréjean-Silver (Gravière), Georgette |
Dubroca |
![](SIP.88-17.jpg) Dubroca 88/17 |
Dudlay,Maud |
![](SIP.6-3.jpg) [Maud Dudlay et Ethel Sargent] 6/3 |
Dupont, Hélène |
![](SIP.1057-2.jpg) Dupont 1057 |
![](SIP.9997-11.jpg) [Natalina Cavalieri Anna Held; Hélène Dupont Jane Rabuteau; Emma Calvé] |
Dupré |
![](SIP.53-18.jpg) Dupré 53/18 |
Durand, Charles Auguste Émile |
![](SIP.2-9.jpg) Carolus Duran 2/9 |
Dussane, Béatrice |
![](SIP.920-9.jpg) Béatrice Dussane 920/9 |
![](SIP.939-4.jpg) Béatrice Dussane 939 |
Dyauthis |
![](SIP.1373-1.jpg) Dyauthis 1373 |
![](SIP.1373-2.jpg) Dyauthis 1373 |
This catalog was compiled by Jean Ritsema, collaborator on the ROSS VERLAG MOVIE STAR POSTCARDS AND OTHER VINTAGE EUROPEAN POSTCARD PUBLISHERS website. Mark Goffee hosted the images on the web.
Images for this catalog were primarily retrieved from the Delcampe, eBay, Todocoleccion, and sales sites.
In providing this on-line digital catalog as a resource to collectors worldwide, there is no intention to infringe on any copyright. If there are any objections to any of the images that are posted, please let us know so we can correct the problem.