Reutlinger Series on SIP Postcards - Alphabetic Sort
Paris, Bruno-Paulin-Gaston |
G. Paris 2/17 |
Park, Nina |
Nina Park 19/18 |
Peplum, Le |
Le Peplum [Rosell] 917/1 |
Le Peplum [Rosell] 917/2 |
Le Peplum [Rosell] 917/3 |
Le Peplum [Rosell] 917/4 |
Le Peplum [Rosell] 917/5 |
Le Peplum [Rosell] 917/6 |
Le Peplum [Rosell] 917/7 |
Petit, Jeanne |
[Jeanne Petit] Théatre de la Gaite 9 |
Picard |
Picard 934 |
Piernold |
Piernold 1467 |
Piernold 1609 |
Polin (Pierre Paul Marsales) |
Polin 88/20 |
Prinça, Canda |
C. Prinça 1428 |
Rabuteau, Jane |
Rabuteau 189/7 |
[Natalina Cavalieri Anna Held; Hélène Dupont Jane Rabuteau; Emma Calvé] |
Rainbow, Alice |
[Annie Rose et Alice Rainbow] 6/5 |
Recsey, Mariska |
1313 [Gertrude Lewis; Mariska Recsey; Lucette de Berry; Cléo de Mérode]
| 1339 Mariska Rescey |
Ribes |
Ribes 848/13 |
Ribes 865/12 |
Ricotti |
de Mornand Ricotti (L. Boyer, Paris) Lafargue 1752 |
Riga |
Riga 1375 |
Robertys, Ninon |
Robertys 1340 |
Rocca |
Rocca 872/13 |
Rogé, Antoinette |
C [Antoinette Rogé] 1358 |
Rendez-vous Samedi à (Reutlinger & Walery Photos) [Edith Whitney; Mata Hari Élise de Vère; Paulette Darty; Antoinette Rogé Prioglio; Letty Linn] 1719 |
Roggers, Henriette |
Roggers 866/4 |
Rolla, Nita |
Nita Rolla 194/15 |
[Dolorès Mac Lean; Dolorès Mac Lean; Jeanne Hatto; Nita Rolla; Gladys Maxhance] 1335 |
Roma, Litié |
Litié Roma 1123 |
Rose, Annie |
[Annie Rose et Alice Rainbow] 6/5 |
Rostand, Edmond |
Edmond Rostand 894/10 |
Edmond Rostand 894/12 |
Rousso |
Rousso 1310 |
Roybet, Ferdinand Victor |
Roybet 2/8 |
Saint Aignan |
St. Aignan 68/18 |
St. Aignan 855/19 |
Saint Martin |
St. Martin 864/12 |
Samuel, Aimée |
Samuel 136/11 |
Sandré, Roberte |
Sandré 1236 |
Sargent, Ethel |
[Maud Dudlay et Ethel Sargent] 6/3 |
Esthel Sargent 186/15 |
Schervood |
Schervood 191/5 |
Schliersee, de |
de Schliersee 1285 |
de Schliersee 1995 |
Serrano |
Serrano 1706 |
Sidley, Charlotte-Louise |
Sidley 189/10 |
[Cléo de Mérode; Anna Held Natalina Cavalieri Cléo de Mérode; Natalina Cavalieri Charlotte-Louise Sidley Cléo de Mérode Alice Darling] |
Silvain, Louise |
Silvain 925/6 |
Simier |
Simier 87/13 |
Simon |
Simon 88/14 |
Somar, Rita de |
de Somar 1452 |
de Somar 1586 |
Sorel, Albert |
Sorel 2/1 |
Sous Bois |
Sous Bois 915/1 |
Sous Bois 915/2 |
Sous Bois 915/3 |
Sous Bois 915/4 |
Sous Bois 915/5 |
Sous Bois 915/6 |
Sous Bois 915/7 |
Sous Bois 915/8 |
Sous Bois 915/9 |
Spencer |
[Oven et Spencer] 6/2 |
Spennert, Zennie |
Spennert 988 |
Speranza |
Speranza 047 |
Star, Mary |
Mary Star 112/13 |
Suzy |
Rendez-vous Lundi à (Reutlinger & Walery Photos) Gabrielle Robinne Mata Hari; Edith Whitney Lucy Gérard; Irène King Suzy; Devillers 1719 |
Sylviac, Marie Thérèse |
Sylviac (Photo Camus) 43/4 |
This catalog was compiled by Jean Ritsema, collaborator on the ROSS VERLAG MOVIE STAR POSTCARDS AND OTHER VINTAGE EUROPEAN POSTCARD PUBLISHERS website. Mark Goffee hosted the images on the web.
Images for this catalog were primarily retrieved from the Delcampe, eBay, Todocoleccion, and sales sites.
In providing this on-line digital catalog as a resource to collectors worldwide, there is no intention to infringe on any copyright. If there are any objections to any of the images that are posted, please let us know so we can correct the problem.